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Global Citizen Scholar Plan

Global Citizen Scholar Mission

I am driven by my passionate beliefs in meaning, growth, and passion. l pursue these beliefs by utilizing my core strengths of learner, achiever, and restorative. I plan to live out these values through opportunities where I am developing and collaborating to achieve innovation and research that impacts families and neurological treatment. To do so, I will seek opportunities to develop new technology and make research-driven changes. When I face challenges or obstacles along the way, I will remember to utilize reflective practices and avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems.


          As a global citizen scholar, I fell that it is not only my duty, but the duty of all citizens to utilize their own skill set in order to help solve the problems of the world. In my case, I am not yet sure of which problem to tackle, but I know that I would be best suited for neuroscience research so that I may help shed light on complex issues of the brain. These issues may include brain cancer treatment, finding the causes of neuro-degenerative disorders, or elucidating the brain's regenerative properties to cure the many adverse effects that degeneration may have. All of these topics I am very interested in, and I am starting my journey in the world of research with the Biomedical Research and Mentoring Program (RaMP) here at UC. I am confident that under the guidance of my mentor, my ambition and drive for change in this area will allow me to cultivate my analytical skills and develop the skills necessary to effectively research a hypothesis and explore the results. The research will take place at Cincinnati Children's Hospital in the research building, and this will provide an abundance of resources and guides that will happily share their knowledge in the field of neuroscience. Whether I am preparing to get into a PhD program by talking to current graduate students or learning more about the lab/research processes by talking to the head of my lab, this place is an excellent source for further developing my potential.


          In addition, I mentioned in y global citizen scholar mission that I strive to develop new technology involving brain research. As mentioned in my About Me tab, I am also interested in computer programming, and I feel that combining the fields of neuroscience and software may help lead to more innovative and efficient solutions to the many problems facing neuroscientists. Especially as all facets of the world are becoming more technology-based, becoming proficient at handling and utilizing technical skills such as programming may be essential in the development of things such as analyzing MRI scans or creating new, more optimized treatment options for patients having neurological disorders. To be honest, I am not quite sure where my passion in computer science will take me, but the opportunities for combining these two fields which I deeply enjoy are potentially limitless; an interdisciplinary workplace will likely yield new, better results through difference perspectives to a problem. To accomplish this goal of tackling the neuroscience research world with my computer science knowledge can also be accomplished through CCHMC; many of the labs there regularly use programming in order to do relatively minor tasks such as analyze data from an EEG or run simulations of an experiment. However, I believe that many other assets of programming such as neural networks or machine learning can be used to enhance the techniques already used by researchers and potentially develop new ones. Learning these coding skills can be a challenge, however as I am minoring in Computer Science and have two friends that are just as eager for coding, surrounding myself in this environment will allow me to cultivate these skills and eventually apply them to my career. I obviously have much to learn and grow before understanding and tackling these complex problems, but I believe that the steps I am currently taking will improve my chances of making a change in the world of neuroscience and technology.



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